Both sides of the spectrum
We started several years ago; back in the “BF4” days. We’ve learned how a proper gaming community should operate – to cater to anyone. Casual, competitive, and all in-between, are those we welcome and those that currently make up our community. You may have run into us under the following names:
- [GDI] Global Defense Initiative
- [HBC] Hell’s Bad Company
- [OSG] One Shot Gaming
- [OS#1K] One Shot 1 Kill
Why’d we change names? We let our members decide whether or not the current name still fits; Permafrost just sounds cool.
Technology does the work for us
Over the last several years, we’ve had plenty of time to learn from our mistakes – we call it “constructive criticism”. Many clans and communities strive for numbers; they lose sight of everything else, and every member just becomes a number. Shortly after, it falls apart in 6 months. If it’s anything we’ve learned, it’s that a gaming community is all about gaming. The less we need to manage and the more time we get to simply sit down and play, the better. Our custom software dubbed “XCM” handles the roster, the event schedule, and our ranking structure. We just get to sit back, play, and have a good time.
Why play?
We’ve seen other communities. It looks quite involved to register, try out, and join. Once you join, who are you supposed to go to? Sadly, many communities are unorganized and mismanaged. Statistically, many clans go into the “crash & burn” phase 8 months after starting, which is why most never tell you exactly how long they’ve been running. We’ve been going strong for 7 years.
Ranking Structure
Our ranking structure mirrors almost any game you’d play; the more you play, the more you rank up. Each event you attend, you earn points. Each recruit you bring in, you earn points. It’s that simple.
Attend when you can
Once you’re a registered Permafrost member, you’ll begin to receive Xbox Live notifications via our automated Xbox account. When you receive event notifications, simply reply back to it if you’d like to attend, and we’ll keep a slot open for you in the game. Can’t attend an event? Life happens; hope to see you at the next event!
Free Stuff?!
Free. Typically once a month, we schedule a prize event that any active member can join, compete with other fellow members, and win a prize. Prizes are typically in the form of gift cards. We couldn’t have done this without the constant and selfless donations from our senior members.
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